between the Provinces of Bali and Nusa Tenggara Barat
I Made Andi Arsana*
I Gede Pasek Sutrana Adnyana*
* Department of Geodesy and Geomatic Engineering
Gadjah Mada University, INDONESIA
P: +62 274 902121 F: 520226
Indonesia is an archipelagic State with 33 provinces and hundreds of regencies, which is now implementing regional autonomy. The regions that have sea territory are given the authority to manage natural resources therein. This provides Indonesia with the challenges of regional maritime boundary delimitation between provinces or regencies/cities. This is governed by the Law No. 32/2004, which deals with local government affairs including regional authority in the "sea territory". It regulates entitlements to maritime areas and maritime boundary delimitation in cases where overlapping claims between provinces or regencies/cities arise. Technical guidelines on regional boundary settlement have also been issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs through a regulation called Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri No. 1/2006 (hereinafter referred to as Permendagri No. 1/2006).
This paper is aimed at addressing technical aspects of maritime boundary delimitation between two provinces in Indonesia. The case study is for the Provinces of Bali (Bali) and Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB). This paper analyses the determination of regional authority in the sea territory of the two provinces, which was done cartometrically based on Permendagri No. 1/2006. This includes the definition of baselines, maritime claim simulation, overlapping claim identification, and theoretical maritime boundary delimitation by employing the equidistance principle.
It has been identified that there are potential overlapping claims between Bali and NTB in the Lombok Strait that requires delimitation. CARIS LOTS™, specifically designed GIS software for maritime boundary delimitation, was employed as an assisting tool for this research. This paper presents options of maritime boundaries, which might be one of the alternatives that the government of Bali and NTB may consider in the real delimitation. In addition, this paper, in general, is expected to provide relevant information for local governments in Indonesia in dealing with the recently-emerged issue: regional maritime boundary delimitation.
Keywords : regional maritime boundary, delimitation, Permendagri No.1/2006, GIS
Remark: accepted for oral presentation at MapAsia 2007 in Kuala Lumpur.