Karya I Made Andi Arsana, ST., ME Batas Maritim Antarnegara - Sebuah Tinjauan Teknis dan Yuridis (Gadjah Mada University Press, 2007) more...

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Expert Advice

Intensive studies and good efort to build networks have slowly borne fruit. Started from teaching activities, now some even come to ask for expert advice. I still could not believe somebody asked me to provide my expert opinion regarding maritime boundaries :(

An Indonesian delegate came to Canberra last week searchig for data and advice regarding maritime boundary delimitation among Indonesia, Timor Leste and Australia. Through Pak Hanung of DKP, whom I taught during a short course in CMP, Wollongong University, I was invited to come and join the discussion. It was such a good opportunity as I can directly contribute to the real problem Indonesia is currently facing.

I met Collonel Sugito of Dishidros and alao Pak Kris, the acting Ambasssador of Indonesia for Australia. The discussion was good and also excellent contacts were made. I, in a very short period, wrote a short popular-scientific paper describing the options of maritime boundary delimitation between Indonesia and Timor Leste. Hope the opinion will help, even though just a bit.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Lecture in CMP, Wollongong University

It is the third or fourth lecture I gave in the Center for Maritime Policy in the University of Wollongong. The lecture is a very good experience for such a young academic like me. Not only it gives me money :) but also provides me with opportunity to build a strong network for my carrier in the future. I met some top guys from Indonesian goverment institutions and have made very good contacts. See picture


Monday, November 14, 2005

Book Chapter

Still remember my presentation in the ICOC last September in Adelaide? Yes, the one about Indonesia-Timor Leste maritime boundary.

My presentation was apparently quite interesting, at least to Dr. Kingsbury of Deakin University (yes, right! I mentioned his name in my report too). He offered me to include my paper in his edited book. This is, of course, a very good offer. Clive and I (the paper is a joint-paper) then worked hard to edit the paper and broadened the scope not just to cover Indoensia and Timor Leste but also Timor Leste-Australia maritime Boundaries.

A distant collaboration was then taken place as Clive is in Wollongong and I am in Sydney. Guess what, we kept emailing every five minutes to discuss this and that. It was a very good virtual collaboration and we finally came up with a final draft with four figures. I created the figures myself using Corel Draw and those are driven from the analysis using CARIS LOTS. The reason why they have to be re-drawn because the book cannot contain colored image and also because the images coming directly from CARIS are not printing-ready.

Well, the chapter will be my first English publication in an edited book. What a good experience for a young academic like me!


Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Best of the Best

No, of course it is not about the famous movie :) This is about a suprising news coming to me yesterday. The Judges of the 32nd Autralian Research Seminar decided that my presentation is the best presentation in ALL categories of the seminar. It was, undoubtedly, amazing (and surprising at the same time) as I don't really expect to be the winner.

FYI, I presented my research about maritime boundary delimitation between Indonesia and Timor Leste, which is actually part of my master thesis. The judges, consisting of UNSW, Leica Geosystems, and NSW Dept. of Lands [?], for the reasons that I don't really know, placed me as the best presenter in the session I was presenting in as well as the best presenter in all categories. Please have a look at my presentation, if you like.
