Karya I Made Andi Arsana, ST., ME Batas Maritim Antarnegara - Sebuah Tinjauan Teknis dan Yuridis (Gadjah Mada University Press, 2007) more...

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Expert Advice

Intensive studies and good efort to build networks have slowly borne fruit. Started from teaching activities, now some even come to ask for expert advice. I still could not believe somebody asked me to provide my expert opinion regarding maritime boundaries :(

An Indonesian delegate came to Canberra last week searchig for data and advice regarding maritime boundary delimitation among Indonesia, Timor Leste and Australia. Through Pak Hanung of DKP, whom I taught during a short course in CMP, Wollongong University, I was invited to come and join the discussion. It was such a good opportunity as I can directly contribute to the real problem Indonesia is currently facing.

I met Collonel Sugito of Dishidros and alao Pak Kris, the acting Ambasssador of Indonesia for Australia. The discussion was good and also excellent contacts were made. I, in a very short period, wrote a short popular-scientific paper describing the options of maritime boundary delimitation between Indonesia and Timor Leste. Hope the opinion will help, even though just a bit.

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